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Highbush Cranberries + Mondo Grass


Forager/Dyer/Human Collaborator: Brenda Mallory

Plant/Non Human Collaborator: Highbush Cranberries, dried

Color/Fiber: Warm yellow on wool mordanted with Potassium Alum Sulfate, Beige-y brown on linen mordanted with Alum Acetate + chalk after bath

Date Foraged: October 10 2020

Location Foraged: NE 10th + Tillamook St, Portland OR

Dye Method: Stove Top

Plant/Non Human Collaborator: Mondo Grass

Color/Fiber: Pale yellowish green on both fibers: wool mordanted with Potassium Alum Sulfate and linen mordanted with Alum Acetate + chalk afterbath

Date Foraged: October 10 2020

Location Foraged: NE 10th + Tillamook, Portland OR

Dye Method: Stove Top

Recipe: Notes from Brenda:

I decided I wanted to try two things, so I cut my fabric and yarn apart.

I picked the dried berries hoping to get red. But it turned just a subtle brownish beige.

I cut some of the mondo grass wondering if it would be gray. It's a subtle green. I'm glad I tried both, though, because the colors are subtle but distinguishable. I might have thought I didn't even get color if I didn't have the comparison.


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